Competency Development


Applicants that:

Will be directed to participate in the Competency Development Program.

Competency Development Program [self-directed]

1. Identify areas where competency development* may be required.

– Canadian crop production
– Canadian animal production systems
– Communication in business

*Due to the unique education/work experience/areas of practice for each applicant, areas of competency development must be self-identified.

2. Complete and submit Competency Development Plan.

Detail proposed steps to become competent in areas identified. This may include (but is not limited to):

  • University/College Courses (in-person or online)
    • University of Manitoba
    • University of Saskatchewan
    • Olds College – Agronomy Certificate Program
  • Industry Programs
    • Certified Crop Advisory-CCA
    • Crop Science Consultant-CCSC
  • Industry Seminars
    • Crop Diagnostic School (by Manitoba Agriculture)

3. Agrologists Manitoba will provide feedback regarding proposed plan via email.

4. Complete steps outlined in plan.

5. Arrange meeting with Agrologists Manitoba panel to discuss competency development completion.

Upon successful completion of your Competency Development Program, you will be eligible to register as an Agrologist-In-Training (AIT).

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