Your complaint will be treated confidentially unless required by law. Anonymous and confidential submissions will only be disclosed to persons who need to know in order to carry out an investigation of the complaint.
Agrologists Manitoba does not charge a fee to file a complaint or to investigate a complaint. You are responsible for the cost of your time if a hearing is required. If you decide to hire a lawyer or hire other outside expertise you will be responsible for their costs.
Complaints that Agrologists Manitoba will NOT investigate
- Agrologists Manitoba will NOT investigate complaints such as (but not limited to):
- A dispute over fees or contractual terms and conditions
- Concerns outside the practice of Agrology
- Rumors or innuendo not supported by facts
Agrologists Manitoba will do its best to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. Because there is a range of possible actions resulting from a complaint, there is no defined complaint resolution period.
Agrologists Manitoba may be able to refer you to another agency but our current resources do not include direct mediation or dispute resolution.
The agriculture industry in Manitoba is small. The Agrologists Manitoba Code of Ethics and Conduct suggests that it may be appropriate to discuss your concerns directly when the other party is also an Agrologist. It may be possible to consider having a constructive conversation without the situation turning into a damaging battle. The complaints process is available when that option does not seem realistic or when the other party is not a registered Agrologist.
Registration Requirements
Review the Registration page of the website.
Code of Ethics
Read the Code of Ethics page of the website.
How can I find out if someone is registered?
Search the Agrologists Manitoba Registry page of the website.
What if I believe someone is practising Agrology without being registered with Agrologists Manitoba?
If you believe that someone who is representing him or herself as an Agrologist is not registered, or is not qualified to practise Agrology, you may use the Complaints Online Form.
Practising Agrology without being registered is known as Unauthorized Practice. Agrologists Manitoba and other provincial institutes are working on better education and monitoring activities as the scope of Agrology practice and agricultural products and services has changed over time.
There are some circumstances where an exemption from registration may be possible under The Agrologists Act. Only Agrologists Manitoba may grant an exemption. However, the Act makes it very clear that “A person who is not a member in good standing of the institute shall not practise Agrology.”
The Agrologists Act and other provincial laws exist to protect the public interest against individuals who are providing advice that only a qualified member of Agrologists Manitoba is allowed to provide. Agrologists Manitoba will take appropriate action to protect the public when these laws are broken and Agrologists Manitoba is informed.