Provincial Council Profile

Mary-Jane Orr, P.Ag.

Mary-Jane Orr is the General Manager for Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives Inc where she leads a dedicated team to advance Manitoba beef and forage industries through engaging stakeholders, evaluating on-farm innovation, and extension for sustainability of farmers, the public, and the environment. She grew up on a mixed farm in southwest Manitoba and completed her B.Sc. in Botany from Brandon University. Mary-Jane went on to hold a PhD from Purdue University where she studied soil microbial ecology in agricultural systems, is a Professional Agrologist, Certified Crop Advisor, and Manure Management Planner. Mary-Jane deeply values the opportunity to collaborate with producers, researchers, education providers, extension specialists, conservation groups, and all stakeholders in field-testing management practices and growing understanding of improved production in Manitoba. Her experience in ecology and field agronomy gives her a unique perspective on the challenges facing agriculture today.

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