Practicing Agrology -> Registration
To practice* as an Agrologist in Manitoba, you must be registered with Agrologists Manitoba.
*Practicing Agrology: includes every act with or without reward, which has as its objective the experimentation with or the giving of advice with respect to the principles, laws or practices relating to the production, improvement, use, processing or marketing of agricultural products, crops or livestock.
– The Agrologists Act
If you are not practicing agrology but would like to become registered and meet the education requirements, you have the option of registering, but no requirement.
Registration Process
If you are *practicing agrology, you must meet the Education Standard for registration.
Review the Registration Process:
- Submit application/Education verification
- Agrologist-In-Training
- Full Status P.Ag./Tech.Ag.
Initial Designation
Agrologist-In-Training (AIT) – Once AIT Requirements are complete, move to Full Status Designation
Full-Status Designations
Professional Agrologist (P.Ag.)
Technical Agrologist (Tech.Ag.)