Privacy Statement

Collection, Use, and Security Of Personal Information

The Manitoba Institute of Agrologists or Agrologists Manitoba may need, or be required to collect information of a personal nature in order to do its work on behalf of its registrants and to fulfill its mandate under “The Agrologists Act”. In addition, Agrologists Manitoba may periodically engage in limited forms of commercial activity. We understand that while individuals may accept that personal information is needed, they may also be concerned about the privacy of personal information. Therefore, Agrologists Manitoba has prepared a Privacy Statement to briefly explain how we gather and handle information. We strive to achieve an acceptable balance between convenience, security, and respect for personal privacy rights in meeting what the law requires, and what is expected by agrologists and the public. The development of Agrologists Manitoba’s Privacy Statement was guided by provisions of “The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act” (PIPEDA) that set out the ground rules for the management of personal information in the private sector, and, by common sense.

In brief, there are three main principles that underpin Agrologists Manitoba Privacy Statement:

  • Personal information is not collected without your knowledge and consent
  • Personal information is only used to fulfill the mandate or purpose of the Agrologists Manitoba
  • Personal information is maintained by physical, procedural, and technical security measures and procedures to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, or modification

What is personal Information?
Personal information generally refers to information about an identifiable individual such as name, age, personal e-mail, home address, home telephone number and ethnic origin. Personal information does not include the work title, business address or business telephone number of an employee. This kind of information has been referred to as “business card” or “non-personal” information. Agrologists Manitoba uses both kinds of information to provide services to members.

What purposes are served by the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by Agrologists Manitoba ?
Agrologists Manitoba uses the information in connection with application for admission, and to administer ongoing registration, to monitor agrologists’ needs, to meet the requirements of “The Agrologists Act”, to create mailing lists, to communicate with agrologists on matters of interest and to collect various fees.

Requests for Information by Third Parties/Others
Agrologists Manitoba does not provide or release personal information to any third party without the consent of the individual. Agrologists Manitoba does not sell, exchange, trade or otherwise make available for consideration to any other party the personal information of its registrants. Agrologists Manitoba may be required to release personal information if required by law or by certain investigative bodies. In these circumstances, Agrologists Manitoba has no legal liability for such disclosures.

How does Agrologists Manitoba collect your personal information?
Agrologists Manitoba collects personal information in a variety of ways that includes the following: voluntarily from registrants either verbally, or in writing; when you apply to become registered; when you correspond or otherwise communicate with us. We may also acquire information from third parties when you have provided your consent. When an individual requests and completes an application for admission to register, Agrologists Manitoba considers that consent to retain and process personal information is implied.

Who has access to your personal information?
Personal information maintained by Agrologists Manitoba is accessible only for the purpose for which you have consented and only by employees or other persons (such as officers or other registered agrologists of Agrologists Manitoba) who have a bone fide responsibility to carry out the mandate of the Agrologists Manitoba.

How does Agrologists Manitoba ensure your information is accurate?
Agrologists Manitoba uses all reasonable means to keep your personal information as current as possible and as is necessary. Agrologists Manitoba will respond to registrant’s requests to update personal information but ultimately it is the responsibility of each person to update and ensure the information is accurate.

How does Agrologists Manitoba keep personal information secure?
Generally, Agrologists Manitoba secures personal information it collects by using safeguards that are appropriate to the form and sensitivity of the information. These safeguards may include physical locks, technological safeguards such as passwords or encryption, and procedures that ensure limited access to information on a “need-to-know” basis. In terms of communicating information, Agrologists Manitoba and its registrants exist in a world where no method of transmitting or storing data or information is completely and 100% secure. The physical characteristics of telephone, mail, and internet transmissions are different, but they are all susceptible to possible loss, interception, and misuse of the information being communicated or transmitted.

What about Agrologists Manitoba’s web site?
Agrologists Manitoba’s website, through our Internet Service provider, will automatically gather some general information such as the visitor’s IP (internet protocol) address, the date and time the site was accessed, and the sections visited. This information is aggregated so that Agrologists Manitoba can serve you better. In addition, through the website, registrants are able to voluntarily provide information to update personal records such as Continuing Professional Development activity. To guard against fraudulent uses or requests for access, Agrologists Manitoba requires sufficient information to allow it to confirm the identity of the person wishing to gain access to the personal information. We have ensured that the information is only used for the purposes for which it was provided, and that the ISP maintains the security of the information through technological or physical means.

If you have any questions about the Agrologists Manitoba’s privacy practices, please call 204.275.3721 or email