
Agrologists Manitoba accept and post ads for Agrologists or Agrology-related positions, or Agrology-based organizations. Send your job ad request to

Posting Rate and Policies

  • Job ad content should be sent in PDF or MS Word format.
  • Company/Organization requesting the posting agrees to cooperate with Agrologists Manitoba to ensure that the successful candidate becomes registered if required under “The Agrologists Act”.
  • Postings for Agrologists positions must contain the following wording within the ad, “This position requires registration with the Agrologists Institute in (name of province where work will be done)”.
  • Postings are for 30 days unless the employer requests a shorter period.
  • Agrologists Manitoba reserves the right to accept or reject any posting or posting content.
  • Invoice will be sent to requesting party when ad is posted. The cost is $200.00 per ad posting – up to 30 days.
  • An email will be sent to confirm a job ad submission has been accepted.
  • Payment can be made by: 1) e-transfer ; 2) online [credit card]; or, 3) cheque payable to the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists. Email us ( about your preferred mode of payment.
  • An approved ad posting link, within 10 days, be sent once, via email, to all agrologists registered in Manitoba, and posted to our website. Agrologists Manitoba sends job posting link directly to over 750 registered practicing Agrologists.
  • There are no charges to extend posting for the same ad (no content changes). To a maximum of 90 days, after which, a new ad fee would apply.
  • There are no charges to ads withdrawn before posting.