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What is the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists/Agrologist Manitoba?
Agrologists Manitoba is a self-regulatory body that regulates the practice of agrology to protect the public. It ensures that those who are practicing agrology as per the definition below are qualified to do so. The Agrologists Act transfers authority from the government to Agrologists Manitoba.
What is an Agrologist?
An Agrologist is a professional who is qualified to teach or practice Agrology. In Manitoba, only those registered with Agrologists Manitoba can legally call themselves Agrologists.
Is everyone employed in agriculture an agrologist?
Agriculture is a large industry with varied roles and responsibilites. Only those that are practicing agrology as per The Agrologists Act* have a requirement to come registered.
*Practicing agrology includes “every act, with or without reward, which has as its objective the experimentation with or the giving of advice with respect to the principles, laws or practices relating to the production, improvement, use, processing or marketing of agricultural products, crops or livestock.”
Are Agrologists farmers?
Farmers are not required to become registered unless they hold themselves out to be an Agrologist.
Who can become an Agrologist?
There are two categories for full status designation:
1) Professional Agrologist, P.Ag.
2) Technical Agrologist, Tech.Ag.
To become a registered Agrologist you must meet the Education Standard.
Will becoming a registered agrologist help me find a job?
By becoming an Agrologist and using the appropriate designation, you are indicating to employers and the public that you meet the requirements for professional practice and that you are registered as required by law.
What type of career opportunities are there for an Agrologist?
The career opportunities are many and varied. Not only are there the traditional career areas that have always been part of the agricultural and agri-food industry but there are new areas such as biotechnology, functional foods and nutraceuticals, and quality assurance and food safety.
Do you need to hire a professional Advisor?
This article may help, “Hiring an Advisor for your Farm“.