The professional organization or regulating body for regulated occupations assesses whether an individual meets the criteria established by law. If so, the individual is granted a license, registration or membership certificate, as specified.
As licenses are held by an individual and not an organization, it is the responsibility of the regulated professional to obtain and maintain their license.
It is the regulator’s responsibility to provide individuals and the public with information about the license or registration status.
It is the responsibility of the regulator to make information about registration available to the public and employers so that it is appropriately considered when developing positions descriptions, when applicants are submitting information about their job responsibilities, and so that employers can contact the certifying body to confirm registration or membership.
Some regulated occupations including agrology have mutual recognition agreements across Canada. Agrology regulators are compliant with labour mobility provisions of the Canada Free Trade Agreement. An applicant may list a license from another province that is valid in Manitoba.
Read detailed information from the Manitoba Government Regulated Professions and Trade.