The Provincial Council is the policy-making body of Agrologists Manitoba. It consists of three appointed and twelve elected individuals. It is responsible for the organization’s policies, decisions aimed at promoting a sound and stable financial system, and the goals and strategic objectives. All of the Council’s decisions reflect the public interest intentions of The Agrologists Act of Manitoba.
The Council appoints committees to ensure proper functioning of the Institute. Council appointed Committees are: Admission and Registration, Governance, Audit, and Professional Standards. In addition to Council appointed committees, The Act provides for two other committees – Complaints Review and Judiciary in connection with investigation and handling of complaints about the conduct of Agrologists. A list of committee and their function appears below.
Provincial Councilors – Elected
Danielle Dolyniuk, P.Ag., Council Vice-Chair
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2019Robert Duncan, P.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2017Steve Ganczar, Tech.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2021Elizabeth Karpinchick, P.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2016Leanne Koroscil, P.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2022Peter Manness, P.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2003Mary-Jane Orr, P.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2015LeeAnn Peters, P.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2019Anita Renwick, P.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2020Diane Smith, P.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2009Paul Westdal, P.Ag.
Registered and practicing agrologist since 1973Shelby Wray, Tech.Ag., Council Chair
Registered and practicing agrologist since 2013
Provincial Councilors – Public Appointees
Delaney Ross Burtnack
Appointed in 2024Lance Derksen
Appointed in 2021Trish Jordan
Appointed in 2021
Council Appointed Committees and their Duties and Responsibilities
Admission and Registration (Kerensa Mamchuk, P.Ag., Lead)
- Make recommendations to Council regarding requirements, standards and processes for admission and registration;
- Determine whether to grant registration (based on demonstrated competence), place conditions upon, suspend or refuse an application for registration;
- Make recommendations to the PSC in circumstances where continuing competence intersects with admission and registration (policies or conditions on practice permits).
- Written reports on committee progress at least one week prior to each Council meeting.
Audit (Peter Manness, P.Ag., Lead)
- Specification of scope of audit prior to outside audit by no later than Nov. each year.
- Slate of competent auditors from which the council can choose.
- Council assurance that the audit is completed satisfactorily.
- Oversee Council requirements for insurance and purchasing controls.
- Oversee Council’s Financial Reserve Policy including periodic review and advice to Council as stipulated.
- Council assurance that non-compliance issues revealed by the audit are resolved satisfactorily.
- When directed by the council, ‘direct inspection’ of the Executive Director’s monitoring reports on financially related policies.
- Options for council consideration regarding Directors & Officers Liability Insurance and possible fiscal year change.
- Written reports on committee progress at least one week prior to each Council meeting.
- Screens potential Council members for Council consideration.
- Assures that training of new Council members is completed.
- Assures that Bylaws and the Act are current and relevant.
- Identifies a multi-year strategy to assure a legislative environment conducive to regulation in the public interest for Council consideration and implementation
- Prepares for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and AGM plan document for Council consideration.
Professional Standards (Danielle Dolyniuk, P.Ag., Lead)
- Identifies, defines, and makes recommendations to Council regarding standards of practice for agrology in general, for each member category, and any specialties as required in the best interests of the public.
- Identifies, defines and makes recommendations to Council regarding continuing competence requirements and the assessment of those requirements in the best
interests of the public. - Makes a referral to the Complaint Review Committee regarding competence or unprofessional conduct.
Committees of The Act and their Function
Complaints Review (Appointed as Necessary)
- Elected members of Council and members of the Judiciary Committee are not allowed to sit on this Committee.
- Recommends related procedures to Council.
- Reviews complaints about members.
- Investigates a complaint in accordance with “The Act”, Bylaws and policies, by taking any steps the committee considers necessary, including summoning before it the member whose conduct is the subject of the complaint.
- Makes a written report to the Judiciary Committee recommending action regarding formal complaints.
Judiciary Committee (Appointed as Necessary)
- Elected members of Council and members of the Complaint Committee are not allowed to sit on this committee.
- Recommends related procedures to Council and publish all approved procedures to the public.
- Reviews reports received from the Complaint Review Committee.
- Conducts a hearing if necessary and make written orders and impose penalties or conditions on a member in accordance with “The Act”, bylaws and policies.